Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Heading Home - Hawaii

I've had my emotional ups and downs on this trip. There's a generally scuzzy atmosphere just beneath the tourist feel. Customer service is either really great or your waiter is begging to get slapped.  

You've probably noticed travelers that do this...not engaged in conversation with others, bury their heads in their laptops and iPhones. However, when Internet reception is spotty, it can sometimes be torture, for all of us. Reception here is spotty on a good day...even in Starbucks.

View from Diamond Head

Met some good peeps here and had some funny adventures. One of the realities of solo travel is, even in this age of social media that keeps us connected, once you leave a place and the trip is over, your paths will most likely not cross again...even with a little Facebook stalking.  Good byes are bittersweet-but not so much though that you aren't already planning adventures at the next destination.  Don't put your travel bag away so quickly, Q! We'll be heading out again in a couple weeks

Monday, September 3, 2012

Miscellaneous Exploits - Hawaii

Kualoa Ranch

I was looking forward to horseback riding while in Hawaii.  Ranch staff seemed to be particular about which horse they selected for each rider.  People seemed to be paired with horses that looked like them.  I was relieved when my horse was not short and fat, but he did look a lil' crazy and frazzled.  I asked about that.  Once I got to know him, I realized he was my horse twin.

Went on a catamaran Circle Island Tour.  I leaned my head against the rail and napped.  It wasn't boring or anything, just very relaxing and quiet.  The tour even came with a lil' furry pet which milked all the tourists for attention.  I don't mean Q, I mean the dog.

So that night on my evening walk, I heard piano playing.  It was coming from the Beachouse at the Moana Hotel.  This establishment also included a bar and restaurant.  Q and I were suddenly overtaken by thirst, so we went inside.

Q flirted with the piano player, Scott, who played Rat Pack type songs, but was taking requests. 

Warren, the bartender was cool, but my server sucked.  I guess you can't wear your Kermit the Frog t-shirt to a place like this and excpect to be taken seriously:/ 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Polynesian Hostel - Hawaii

Cool murals in the stairwells. 

Polynesian Hostel

I was shocked by how dirty this place was when I arrived, but I gradually got used to it.

Okay.  Total lie.

Everytime someone checked out of my room, I deloused their space, as I was fortunate to discover a container of Clorox wipes in the closet. I scrubbed like a madman. My space was gradually becoming inhabitable.  No more cockroach encounters

Panoramic of common area
I don't know anyone who cleans feverishly while on vacation as I do. Some call it a curse. I call it a gift.

I'm gonna go see if there are dirty dishes in the sink yet.

This place does have it's charm.  It is a hostel, so you have to take everything with a grain of salt.