Friday, August 31, 2012

Field Trip to North Shore - Hawaii

Cutest lil' backseat driver
This was the last day Douglas was to have the rental car, so to make the most of the final day; we all piled in his car and drove to North Shore.  I have to say, I behaved quite well on the drive, as it was very long, (rush hour traffic), and I never even said, “Are we there yet?”

Don’t you just love a captive audience? 

It was at this point I introduced Q to the group.  Not everyone was welcoming to her, but some fell in love instantly.  Q quickly became comfortable with group and her role as backseat driver.

Douglas made a sunglass canopy for Q

There were lots of tiny shells on EhukaiBeach Park (Banzai Pipeline), where we hung out, but none Q could listen to the ocean from.  Not the right kind of shells, I guess.  I suppose if she couldn’t hear the ocean from where we were on the beach, we had bigger problems.
It was a much shorter drive on the way back, as it was dark and rush hour was over.  This area was far more remote, catering more to the locals.  We stopped at Ted’sBakery for dinner.  I had a sandwich and a slice of pineapple macadamia upside down cake.  Life is rough.
I wonder if the lifeguard will help us find lost sunglasses?
How am I the shortest?