Saturday, August 25, 2012

Learning to Get Along With Each Other

I wanted to ensure QP and I had good chemistry to travel together, and there is pending trip, and I don't want anything to go wrong; anything within my control, that is. 

I took QP on errands with me over the last couple days to see how she responds to the world. 

Documentation of these events are not in any particular order, and all events involving tears, tantrums and law enforcement intervention have been removed.
Q helped make muffins. I'm so proud of her!
Big nachos for me, tiny nachos for Q. Although she was cut off almost immediately, the bartender seemed sweet on her and invited her out to the patio for a smoke. Blue Cue
Q goes to the movies, and becomes wildly distracted

Surprisingly, we did not get pulled over for this.

Q feels it is not fair my bev is larger than hers.

We both wondered why the bathroom key was attached to a DVD jacket for National Treasure, (Starring Nicholas Cage). Is this some indication of the quality of this production?  Beers Books

I tried to tell Q, in this town, it is not wise to use public transit as a networking opportunity.

I've got Q convinced this is her new apartment.
Q wants to get a jump on Halloween shopping. She's thinking Darth Vader.
Q was helping Athena pour drinks at Fanny Anne's Saloon.

QP Goes Under the Knife

I told QP, if she intends to travel with me, (and stay on my insurance), she would need to maintain an optimum level of health and fitness. What she doesn't know,  (I'm referring to my homeowners insurance policy which does not require a particular standard of physical and mental health).

We pretend not to notice, but QP's arms are a bit saggy. Back when her ancestors first hit the scene, nylon string was used to secure movable arm joints, prior to the  invention of elastic/plastic materials. Over the years, the nylon strings disintegrated. This is why you see so many armless QPs today.
My QP has led an exceptionally sheltered existence, and although  she still maintains her original nylon string joints, they have loosened and stained over the passage of time.

First thing tomorrow morning, QP is going under the knife to repair the aforementioned condition.

She's a little nervous about the procedure and has requested additional pain meds.

I am optimistic about the results.

Porcelain Muse

I acquired a bisque procelain original Rose O'Neill Kewpie doll.   From here, forward, I will refer to her as "QP" as to avoid copyright and other legal entanglements.    

Let me give you some background on this lil' lady:

The name, often shortened to "Kewpie", is derived from "cupid", the Roman god of beauty and – as Eros is the Greek version of Cupid – erotic love. The time capsule at the 1939 New York World's Fair contained a Kewpie doll. Although she does have monetary value and knows how to earn charm points, you would never see her on Antiques Road Show, as she has visible hair-line fractures in her fingers, tiny mo-hawk, and one of her shoulders has troubles. Perhaps it's the gout. 

Production of the celluloid kewpie eventaully became more common, and these creatures were common prizes at carnivals.  Celluloid?  Yes, plastic had not been invented yet.

Based on my research, I believe QP to be about 90 years old. 

My purpose for providing the back story of the kewpie is, I have decided to allow QP to accompany me on my journeys, as I welcome her a fresh, tiny perspective.