Thursday, August 30, 2012

Under a Full Moon - Hawaii

We decided to start off the day in style. Hotdogs for breakfast!

Wandered around down at the beach, as well as in the shopping district.

The DFS, (duty free store), really caught our eye with a display, just inside the front entrance, of mannequin runway model walking several small, (taxidermied), dogs down the cat walk.  This was wild even by Margaret standards.  The dogs were quite flambuoyant, posing in a variety of provocative ways.  Q was thrilled!
Speed eating and Yoga sound like an unfavorable combo

Q trying to weigh herself
Q put on her Bandit Mask at some point in the early evening, as she wanted to properly acknowledge the Full Moon.  I was concerned about the level of debauchery that always seems to follow the donning of said Bandit Mask, but luckily, Q forgot about the whole thing after she helped eat a giant plate of fries ordered off the Happy Hour menu.

Bandit Mask!

We left Happy Hour as the sun was going down, and if I haven't said it a million times already, sunset is the awesome-est time for a walk.  The air smell great!  The temperature is perfect.
Q helps pick out tunes

Later that night, I joined the group for drinks at a Arnold's Beach Bar, and was almost attacked by a transvestite. 

Day Two and Three - Hawaii

I heart lighthouses

Q and I set out first thing this morning to go hiking at Diamond Head. The hostel organizes a hike going there Sunday morning, but when I realized how close it was to the hostel, I decided to just go now.
Pretty tame as hiking goes, but I would definitely go it again later in the week. Hopefully, I can get a closer look at the lighthouse at that time. I just love lighthouses. They're so mysterious, so mysterious in fact that I couldn't get in to see it.

Scary sighting - we needed counseling

Are we invisible, or WHAT? While Q and I were chillin on the beach at D-Head, a seemingly normal looking 60 year old dude starts changing his pants a mere 20 yards away. He used absolutely no discretion, and Q and I got a violent flash of dimpley white a$$ cheek!

Q finds the perfect lil pond for herself

Later, we took the bus to Chinatown. Not a tourist destination, but a good place to pick up some produce and some inexpensive Asian food. The fish market was trippy. 

Q was a lil freaked about by the fishmarket

I was a bit overwhelmed by the degree of homelessness, mentally I'll, and generally angry people here. While on my walks, I noticed feet sticking out of every alcove, dark corner and random cubby hole. I have mentioned this to a few people stating I didn't remember Hawaii like this. I always get the same response. "it has gotten really bad over the last couple years".

The art district flanks Chinatown. I saw an odd exhibit here, even by Margaret standards. The Arts at Marks Garage

Creepy even by "Margaret Standards". An exhibit of fingers

During the day, the streets swell with tourists. After dark, a different element emerges, including dealers, transvestites, and prostitutes, of some amalgamate. Maybe it's just Kuhio avenue. I should try a different route back from my evening activities to test this theory.   

First time ever
in a hammock.  I probably
 looked quite awkward.
I've been sleeping 3 hours each night, with a 3 hour afternoon nap. Thus far, this has been working our very well for me. I wake from nap to enjoy the beautiful, breezy sunsets and have really awesome long walks each night. My feet are accessorized with many band aids, at this point.
